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Hillary Clinton Hostage Situation
Friday, November 30, 2007
I was in the middle of posting something else just a second ago, but I've got something far more interesting to post about right now, so I'll get back to it.

Right now, as I am writing this, there is a hostage situation at the Hillary Clinton campaign office in New Hampshire. According to WCB TV/DT Boston:

"A man claiming to have a bomb took two workers hostage Friday at a Hillary Clinton presidential campaign office in New Hampshire, police said.

The incident happened at about 1 p.m. Friday at 28 Main St. in Rochester. The man had what appeared to be a bomb strapped to himself inside the Democrat's office, according to Bill Shaheen, a top state campaign official."

At the moment, according to Fox News (yeah, I know), the police is talking to someone inside. If the reports are correct, "the assailant said he wanted to speak with Senator Clinton" (FoxNews.com). However, if the television report is to be believed, there is "zero chance" that the negotiator(s) will allow the 'assailant' (described by witnesses as a "man as in his 40s with salt-and-pepper hair" - WCB TV/DT) to speak with Hillary.

"Nearby businesses have been evacuated, and the St. Elizabeth Seaton School has been locked down. Several elementary and middle schools in the area also locked their doors in what officials called a 'soft lockdown.' Children at the McLelland School, Maple Street School and William Allen School were only being released directly to their parents... Clinton... is not in New Hampshire, was attending a National Democratic Committee meeting in Virginia, where she canceled her address because of the hostage situation." (Again from WCB TV/DT)

Now, Fox has said that their report that there were negotiations taking place are NOT confirmed, and that they are awaiting for more information.

The swat truck is currently moving, and Fox is saying that earlier five swat team members were seen, but police would not say whether or not they entered the building.

I'm obviously not the only guy blogging about this - Jenn of the Jungle is commenting on it over at Screw Liberals. And as I watch, more blogs and news agencies continue to pick up, with articles showing up at The Guardian, The Baltimore Swamp, The Huffington Post, Slacker at Work, WMUR 9 New Hampshire, MSNBC, Time, the BBC, the Palmetto Scoop, CNN, and the Mindful Mission, Crazy News, Losing the War on Humor, WGAL 8, The Age, globeandmall.com, KOCO 5 Oklahoma City, ABC News, the New York Times, A Rake's Progress (warning: moronic liberal), Sword at the Ready, Las Policitas, Daily Kos (nothing much yet, but expect liberal nonsence), Newsvine, Reuters, and Support Your Local Gunfighter. (List last updated at 5:45 p.m. GMT-5)

In addition, Fox now says that there is a possibility that there may only be one hostage or even no hostages left inside.

It's worth checking out WMUR 9, as in addition to their article, they have a live video feed. On their feed they are currently saying that the hostages are indeed out of the building, and Fox is now reporting the same.

According to the video feed from WMUR 9, the suspect is locally known in Rochester, and earlies told his son to "watch the news." And they are now saying there there IS still a possibility that there is one, or possibly more, hostage(s) inside.

WGAL 8 as recently uploaded a video of an interview with a witness, which you can see at: http://www.wgal.com/video/14739208/index.html

WMUR 9 has said they they saw a person they were told is a negotiator on a cell phone talking to someone. They say there were previously told that police were going to attempt to get a phone inside, but do not know whether or not it is inside.

In addition, they say that the suspect possibly has a mental illness, and is most likely in his 40s. There is also a rumour circling saying that he is possibly known to the Rochester police department. However, none of this has been confirmed.

In addition, someone on Craigslist is offering cash (supposedly 1000 U.S. Dollars) for video of the incident or interviews with witnesses.

Fox news now says that they have eyewitness reports claiming the suspect is a man named Troy Stanley. In addition, they are reporting the possiblity that the suspect does NOT have a bomb, but rather, road flares taped to his chest. None of this has yet been confirmed by authorities.

It's worth noting that several of the Fox News reporters have stopped saying "the suspect" or "the man," and rather referring to him as "Stanley," despite the fact that the suspect's identity had not yet been confirmed.

A recent comment on the post over at Screw Liberals describes Stanley as "a government conspiracy nut who claims the government has planted a bug in his head." This isn't confirmed yet either. *wink*

ABC News reports on their website that the suspect is "...a man described as a well-known local resident with a history of emotional problems who told his son to "watch the news today." He is said to be in his 40s with salt-and-pepper hair." This fits with what everyone else is reporting.

WMUR 9 reports police ARE indeed communicating with the suspect, who is still inside.

Both WMUR 9 and Fox News is currently awaiting a press conference from law enforcement officials, which they expect to happen soon. WMUR also says that they are no longer sure that the two hostages previously reported as released were, indeed, released. They do say that they are certain ONE hostage has been released, but they are unsure about the other two. Both Fox News and WCVB TV/DT still report that the two additional hostages were released.

WMUR just played some footage of a woman who works at a restaurant called "The Governor's Inn," who says the the suspect takes stepson came in for coffee and described the suspect as unemployed, possibly getting a divorce, and a heavy drinker. She said he did not give his name, but said he and his mother had been interviewed by police. None of what she said has been confirmed.

A U.S. News blog at ABC News currently reports that 3 hostages have been released - this is not confirmed (I am getting sick of saying that).

As I wait for the press conference to start, I'd like to post a little commentary on this issue. More specifically, on Rake Morgan's take: "a man described as 'mentally ill' has strapped on a bomb, walked into a Hillary Clinton campaign office in Rochester, taken hostages, and is threatening to harm himself and everyone around him.

Earlier today we received the email copied below from one of Hillary’s foremost character assassins, a man who could also be called 'mentally ill,' Robert Morrow. Using the anti-abortion rant to incite others to commit violence is not unheard of. In this case, Morrow is claiming that Hillary wants to 'kill babies' because 'it’s God’s law.'

Put those thoughts into the head of another, armed mentally ill person and it would not surprise me if that’s what it took to cause today’s crisis in Rochester."

Ah yes, of course - Hillary's pals come out to say that this is all the pro-lifers' fault. What an absolute dumbass. I'll get into to that more later - the press conference has started.

The police conference is taking place right now (WMUR 9 and Fox News bothy have coverage). Rochester Police Capitan Paul Callahan will not confirm any names, the number of hostages, anything about the suspect, or the "road flare/bomb" rumour. In other words, he's saying pretty much nothing.

I don't have a problem with that at all. It's their choice. Still, not a very informative conference.

WMUR is reporting that area residents are not in danger.

Sorry about my sporadic updates and de-connected writing, but I'm trying to keep up as much as I can.

The Hillary campaign site as a little message up, which you can view at by clicking here.

I didn't mention it earlier, but both the nearby Barack Obama and John Edwards campaign offices have been evacuated as part of the "hostage crisis."

Good lord, have I really been blogging about Hillary Clinton for over an hour? Yikes.

According to Fox News the suspects ex-wife says that he is a "paranoid schizophrenic" and that he was not taking his medication. This has as of yet not been confirmed.

The suspect is NOT, as was previously said, Stanley. Though the suspect's identity has not yet been unconfirmed, Foster's Daily Democrat identifies him one Leeland Eisenburg - a 40 something man with a history of mental illness, and ex-wife who says he's a paranoid schizophrenic, and a step son who says his been drinking. In other words, nothing new, just a different name.
How to make yourself look like a complete dumbass part 2: Rake Morgan gave us one lesson, now it's time for another, courtesy from a comment on the ABC news article, posted by one eddix64: "Two words come to mind when I read stories like this: Gun Ban"

No one ever said the guy has a gun. In fact, a man interviewed by WMUR who says he has talked to one of the hostages inside via cell phone (he is a co-volunteer) claims that the girl he talked to said the suspect does NOT have a gun. Obviously, there is no way of confirming this, but there still isn't a reason to believe that the fellow inside has a gun.

Hillary's location has finally been released - she's at her home in Washington.
WMUR is not playing video of what seems to be images of the arrest of Leeland Eisenberg. He is handcuffed, has been searched, and is being loaded into a vehicle. Fox News is now also reporting that the suspect is most likely Leeland Eisenberg. According to WMUR, News Center 5 has reported to them that Mr. Eisenberg was scheduled to attend a court hearing for domestic violence at one o'clock today.

Before the suspect left the building, a young man believed to be a third hostage left the building and was escorted away by police.

UPDATE: In reference to the Leeland Eisenberg/Tony Stanley suspect bit earlier, Fox News now has this note: "A woman earlier told FOX News that the man's name was Troy Stanley and he was a paranoid schizophrenic who wasn't taking his medication. It was unclear whether Stanley and Eisenberg were one and the same, and police wouldn't confirm whether Stanley was the assailant, or an alias used by him."

WMUR, WCVB TV/DT, and Fox News now all refer to the suspect (now apprehended) as Eisenberg.

I'll have more to say later - for now, I'm going to go eat.


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