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Perpetual Thursday (PT) is a log of Patrick J. Simmons' thoughts, ideas, opinions, commentary, doings, and so so forth. In short, rambling, ranting, nonsense, and bunk.

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Perpetual Thursday Ramblings, Rantings, Nonsense, and Bunk

"Energy" Drinks
Thursday, March 20, 2008
This can filled with drink
Which I have not yet tasted
Is still so sexy

Recently, whilst out shopping, I came across a couple of energy drinks. Now, generally, I'm not much for energy drinks, for two reasons: a) they don't seem to have any effect on me, and b) they all seem to taste like urine. Albeit, they sometimes taste like flavoured urine, but that's still urine. Regardless of those two reasons, however, these two cans stood out. Why? It wasn't because they sounded particularly tasty. Nor was it because they had eye-catching cans. No, it was because of their names: Aphrodite Love Drink, and Peep One Erotic Drink. I could make a witty comment, like "What do you get when you combine Red Bull with Viagra?" (done); I could talk about how perverted it is to see that stuff next to the root beer where any kid could read it's e-mail spam-like label (done); or I could even write a haiku about it (done). But I won't (because I just did) - instead, I'll take the high road, and post pictures I took of the cans, so you can think for yourself. Read the full post to see them.

Peep One

I took a few others as well - among them shots of the backs of the cans (ingredients and company information) - and uploaded them to Facebook, so you can check them out at:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=18360&l=ef3a7&id=658484513

As a closing note, let me answer the real question all this raises: how did they taste? The Aphrodite Love Drink was great. Essentially, it's Black Currant juice - yummy. The Peep One Erotic Drink was, sadly, a typical energy drink - urine flavoured.


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